
Simple 1 Page Rental Agreement

A rental agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. It is important to have a rental agreement in place to protect both parties and ensure that everyone is on the same page. In this article, we will discuss a simple one-page rental agreement that can be used for renting out any type of property.

What is a One Page Rental Agreement?

A one-page rental agreement is a simple document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. It is a quick and easy way to get a rental agreement in place without having to worry about lengthy legal documents. This type of rental agreement is perfect for short-term rentals or for landlords who want to keep things simple.

Elements of a One Page Rental Agreement

There are several important elements that should be included in a one-page rental agreement. These include:

1. Names of the Landlord and Tenant: The first thing that should be included in the rental agreement is the names of the landlord and tenant.

2. Rental Property: The rental property should be clearly identified in the rental agreement. This includes the address, unit number, and any other relevant details.

3. Rental Term: The rental agreement should state the length of the rental term. This can be a fixed term, such as 6 months or one year, or it can be a month-to-month agreement.

4. Rent Amount: The rental agreement should state the amount of rent that the tenant will be paying each month. This should also include any applicable fees, such as utilities or parking.

5. Security Deposit: The rental agreement should state the amount of the security deposit that the tenant will be required to pay. This should also include any conditions for getting the deposit back.

6. Maintenance and Repairs: The rental agreement should state who is responsible for maintenance and repairs on the rental property. This can include things like plumbing, electrical, and other repairs.

7. Termination: The rental agreement should state the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated by either party.

Why Use a One Page Rental Agreement?

There are several benefits to using a one-page rental agreement, including:

1. Saves time: A one-page rental agreement is quick and easy to create, saving time for both landlords and tenants.

2. Keeps things simple: A one-page rental agreement is easy to understand and avoids complicated legal jargon that can be confusing for tenants.

3. Reduces legal costs: Because a one-page rental agreement is simple to create, it can reduce legal costs associated with drafting more complex rental agreements.


In conclusion, a one-page rental agreement is a simple and effective way to get a rental agreement in place quickly and easily. By including the important elements discussed above, landlords and tenants can protect themselves and avoid any potential misunderstandings. If you are a landlord or tenant looking to create a rental agreement, consider using a one-page rental agreement for a simple and hassle-free solution.